It has been a while since we have posted on this blog... Why? for me an injury had sidelined me.. and all I did was bitch about how frustrated I was and who wants to hear that? You might not want to read this either, but I need to get this out.. and writing sometimes helps.
Some of you may know that we foster animals with the SPCA. We have had several pregnant cats and their subsequent kittens. We have lost a few babies..illness, the runts.. I get that. It comes with the territory of dealing with street cats that often come in pregnant and SKINNY!
But 11 days ago we brought home Momma and her 5- 1 week old babies..Mom was a gorgeous calico who within 24 hours showed signs of an upper respiratory infection. 2 babies also started sneezing.. 3 days later.. mom was really sick and the 2 babies were also not doing well. We upped the dosage of antibiotics in the hopes that the babies would get some through the milk. Mom stopped eating. She had full blown pneumonia.
Between force feeding this poor thing , trying to supplement the babies with KMR, giving steam baths to try and open up her breathing... we spent quite a bit of time with these poor cats.. Last Sunday I would have told you Mom wouldn't last the night... but somehow she managed to pull through and by Monday afternoon started to eat a little and groom herself.. the first time in almost 7 days.. became a losing battle. So far 3 kittens have succumbed. , and I'm returning Mom and the 2 babies to the shelter today.. I'm pretty sure they will humanely euthanize the remaining 2.. Momma hasn't given any milk for several days.. The babies are so congested they can barely breath.. and choke when trying to give them any supplemental feeding. They are so tiny.. So they will do what the can to finish up Mom on antibiotics... Spay and put her up for adoption. She is a sweetheart and someone would get a wonderful pet...
I'm not sure if I can do this again...and yet.. they always have another one that I could take.. and I know in my heart that we saved this one cat.. she would have died.. along with her babies...
If you have a pet.. PLEASE Spay and Neuter... My garden is no place for another kitten burial...