Sunday, September 25, 2011

Wouldn't it be cool to....?

How many times in your life have you started a sentence that way?  Insert dream , compete in an Ironman, travel to a foreign country, jump out of an airplane, climb Everest...  The list is endless and it's fun to think about doing something that seems exotic, or difficult,  or rare. But that is normally as far as the dream goes.  A brief and shiny day dream,  or an animated conversation with a group of friends.   Not many people take the next step to actually DO what they dreamed of.  

Back in April, Adam and Jeff,  2 recent Adelphi University graduates and members of the Track and Cross country team were at practice when someone casually tossed out the idea wouldn't it be cool to run cross country... really cross country.   The members talked about it and had arguments over whether they could actually do it,  and that was as far as it went.  Or so they thought.. but Adam latched on to the idea and started to really think what if?   He decided he really wanted to do this,  and Jeffery agreed that they could run across the US.   Both men had charities they were passionate about and thought this might be a way to both raise money for charity and attempt something beyond the norm, challenging themselves both physically and mentally. 

(Picture taken from the

They left New York on August 20th accompanied  by Ian and James.  Ian , who was originally scheduled to run with them,  but suffered a freak accident just weeks before the run,  and James would be the support crew.  Riding along in Adam's "clown car"  (he called it that)  a Yaris,  packed to the gils with supplies, including their hotel for most nights.. a tent.   While they weren't planning on joining in on the run,  they map out routes,  keep an eye on the weather,  supply meals and provide invaluable assistance to their running friends. 

We have followed their journey online from Facebook and their website.  and I was beyond thrilled that when they made it to KY,  I  was able to drive down from Ohio to hook up with them, buy them lunch ,  pester them with questions,  and then run with them a little to experience the journey from their perspective.   I was humbled by these young men,  who were so appreciative of my interest in their trip.   But I am inspired by them almost daily when I think about what they are attempting to do. 

I promised I would do what I could to get the word out about their trip.  To hopefully encourage others to donate to their causes,  to try to get other running groups,  running stores motivated to help support them along the way.   A hot dinner,  a warm bed,  a friendly smile.. or join in for a few miles as I did to get a view from the road.  I started emailing running stores this weekend. Hopefully they will return my message. 

 As I have been training for my first 1/2 marathon, 13 miles seems insignificant compared to the over 1100,  they have gone in the last 35 + days.  I ran 12 miles Saturday in the rain with a smile on my face thinking about these young men as they headed into Illinois,  about a 1/3 of the way through their journey.  

Safe Travels Gentlemen... May the road rise to greet you.  
   (Picture taken from the

1 comment:

  1. Hi ladies!

    I just found your blog and am so happy I did! I had a wake-up call too, and have changed my lifestyle and eating habits recently. I have lost 10lbs as of today and am feeling REALLY good!

    My ultimate goal is to lose 60lbs, but I've broken that up into mini-goals of 20lbs each so I don't get overwhelmed and discouraged.

    I'm looking forward to following (and joining) you on your journey!


    You both look GREAT!!
